giovedì 28 novembre 2019

Metecno monowall

Das Sandwichelement mit Polyurethan-Dämmkern, zur vertikalen und horizontalen Montage bestens geeignet, erleichtert mit seiner speziellen Oberflächenprofilierung die „beulenfreie“ Montage. Das optische Erscheinungsbild wird durch den in der Vertiefung sitzenden Schraubenkopf erheblich begünstigt. Insulated Roof Panels. Self-supporting metal panels insulated with polyurethane foam for use in refrigerated rooms with positive temperatures, industrial, commercial buildings and partitions in general.

Metecno Italia Srl a Socio Unico.

Pannello metallico autoportante, coibentato con schiuma poliuretanica, con sistema di fissaggio a scomparsa, indicato per la realizzazione di pareti esterne di tamponamento che richiedono elevati requisiti estetici. Il particolare giunto a doppio labirinto di questo pannello, garantisce buone prestazioni di tenuta meccanica. They are designed for the construction of industrial and commercial building facades, and partitions in general. Its special surface profile facilitates the installation of the panel without the risk of bulging.

The appearance of the external side benefits distinctly from the screw head applied in the recess of the profile. DESCRIZIONE Pannello metallico autoportante coibentato con schiuma poliuretanica indicato per la realizzazione di pareti esterne di tamponamento. I due lati del pannello sono costituiti da due supporti metallici leggermente profilati in acciaio zincato e preverniciato.

The longitudinal joint – of visible fixing screw configuration – is equipped with pre-installed sealing gasket. The panel’s faces are available in stave micro-ribbed or diamond finishing profiles. The panel is coated with AZ 1Zinc Aluminium Alloy for superior durability.

The exterior side is coated with microns of regular polyester finish coat over microns of polyester primer. Ils sont conçus pour la construction de façades de bâtiments industriels, commerciaux et de divisions en général. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. METECNO shelter made of pre coated steel sheets and thermally insulated with PUF.

It has strength of steel, good aesthetics, light weight and have very effective heat and sound insulation. Made of pre-fabricated sandwich PUF panel mm thick. METECNO offers a broad range of insulating sandwich panels for various. Exporter and Manufacturer of MONO WALL PANELS in Nelson Manickam Roa Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. MONOWALL METECNO DE COLOMBIA S. A Detalii CAD Panouri sandwich pereti METECNO ,vezi si descarca in format PDF,DWG,DXF si 3DS,Detaliu de.

The geometric configuration of the external face simulates the shape of a classic roof tile, giving the panel a pleasant and elegant appearance. Monowall – Imbinare orizontala – 05.

Get best price and read about company. Die sukzessive Verlegung von Innenschale, Abstandshaltern, Isolierschicht und Aussenschale direkt am Objekt hatte deutliche Schwächen in Bezug auf Montagedauer, Kosten und konstante Qualität. METCOPPO STEP TILE – Sandwich Panel. Thickness of inner steel sheet: 0. METECNO ITALIA è una società che grazie alle proprie strutture ed al. METECNO , a seguito dell’aggiornamento tecnologico dei prodotti.

METECNO non assume alcuna responsabilità per il carico di automezzi già parzialmente occupati da altri materiali, o che comunque non abbiano un idoneo piano di carico. METECNO consiglia che gli automezzi siano coperti con un telo per evitare eventuali danni dovuti alle intemperie. Bulgaria,Sofia, IP. Sistem de perete termoizolant autoportant din vată minerală neinflamabilă și izolată fonic. Az építőiparban nagyon elterjedt szendvicspanelek külső és belső oldalon bevonatos acél fegyverzettel, és közöttük egy belső hőszigetelő maggal (poliuretánhab vagy nagyobb fajsúlyú kőzetgyapot) rendelkeznek.

Find their customers, contact information, and details on shipments. Trademark list, owner METECNO S. See past imports to Megafrio S. A Swedsteel csarnokok maximálisan egyedi igényekre tervezve és kivitelezve készülnek. A vevői, beruházói igények, vagyis a méret, a funkció, az esztétikai, a hőszigetelési és a térelválasztási szükséglet, valamint az elvárt műszaki követelmények együttesen határozzák meg a Swedsteel csarnoképületek műszaki tartalmát és kialakítását.

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